
A construction worker wearing PPE pushes on a piece of machenery with their boot
A Lab Technician using a pipette to fill a vial with a water sample
Workers learning how to check a gauge  on a water transportation system
A Diver surfaces from the Copper Basin  resivoir

职业生涯 途径:


大都会重视新鲜的声音和经验带来的不同视角. 我们追求最好的, 他们为我们的员工反映了我们在南加州服务的不同社区,为我们的组织带来了独特而多样的品质. 我们希望同事们秉持创新、公平和共同的更大目标. We are a public agency and the people who work with us are devoted to public service.

我们生来就是为了持久和领导. 我们是一家历史悠久、经验丰富的机构. We are part of the very fabric of Southern California, having been formed in 1928 by the state Legislature to design, build and operate the 科罗拉多河 Aqueduct to bring water to a growing population. Today, our role is much greater than the infrastructure we built and maintain. 我们在这里是为了确保南方六个县的1900万人有可靠和安全的水供应, operating in an environmentally and economically sound manner.

如果你已经在188bet棋牌平台把大都会作为188bet棋牌平台选择,从这里开始你的旅程,了解更多. For those still in school or just entering the workforce, 向下滚动到为水务行业创造下一代工人一节,了解我们的实习和学徒计划以及其他教育资源,帮助你为水务行业的职业生涯做好准备.




在大都会的职业生涯中,你有机会成为一家与南加州人民福祉息息相关的机构的一员, 商业与经济. 我们是业内公认的领导者. We build big and pay attention to even the smallest details. 我们是规划者, innovators and negotiators building on a legacy of foresight and regional cooperation. 一旦你进入我们的大门, 你是我们团队的一员, with the added opportunity to build your career too.

Looking up at the Hinds Pumping Plant's water transportation pipes


When you come to work at Metropolitan, you don’t come just for a job; you come for a career.  We want to support your career pathway along with your well-being.  One way to do that is to offer very competitive salaries and excellent benefits. We also provide top-notch health and insurance options, as well as retirement benefits.

Our benefits package is above industry standards. 大都会与加州公务员退休基金签订合同 加州公共雇员退休制度,为在职雇员和合格的退休人员提供广泛的医疗保险选择. 

As a regular full-time; regular part-time union 代表员工 是否有资格享受优秀的福利.

通过加州公务员退休基金,大都会雇员还可以获得养老金和遗属福利,以及包括我们的401(k)和457(b)储蓄计划在内的递延补偿福利. 大都会保险公司匹配401(k)供款,以增加你每年的退休储蓄.  

牙科保险, 通过达美牙科, is offered at no cost to regular full-time; regular part-time employees pay a pro-rated fee.  Qualified dependents can be added to the dental plan at no extra cost.  Metropolitan contracts with Vision Service Provider, 或垂直地震剖面, for vision coverage and covers the cost for regular full-time employees.  Costs are prorated for regular part-time employees. Qualified dependents can be added for a flat monthly fee. 

我们有人身保险计划, long-term 残疾 and accidental death and dismemberment. There are also some voluntary benefits to choose from.  These include Flexible Spending Accounts for health and dependent care, 长期护理和癌症保险. 您和您的家人也可以免费使用我们的员工援助计划,以获得保密的专业咨询和转介服务.  健康计划根据188bet棋牌平台地点和谈判单位为员工提供一定的补偿.  

Welders working on creating a structure for a Metropolitan project


We appreciate employees from diverse cultural and work experience backgrounds. 我们重视所有的技能-从贸易到工程到行政组织甚至艺术. 我们是一个人才辈出的地方,我们相信多元化的员工队伍是我们持续成功的关键. 不同的观点使我们能够产生更具创造性的方法和解决方案. 我们在许多不同的地方188bet棋牌平台. In addition to our downtown Los Angeles headquarters, adjacent to the historic transportation hub Union Station, we also operate a network of facilities across Southern California and the desert, along with offices in Sacramento and Washington, DC. 大都会在招募和雇用军事人员进入我们成功的职业生涯方面有着悠久的历史.


大都会是一个机会均等的雇主. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, 宗教, 性别(包括性别认同/表达), 性取向, 和怀孕), 国家的起源, 祖先, 年龄(40岁及以上), 婚姻状况, 医疗状况遗传信息, 残疾, 资深/军事状态, 或任何其他受保护的特征.

申请人和雇员受到联邦和州法律的保护,不受基于受保护特征的歧视. 所有符合条件的申请人都将获得就业考虑,而不考虑任何受保护的特征.

大都会为合格的残疾人在188bet棋牌平台申请和选择过程中提供合理的便利,或使其他合格的残疾人能够履行188bet棋牌平台的基本职能. If you require an accommodation to participate in the application or selection process, 您可以拨打(213)217-7738或 电子邮件.

Employment decisions are based on a person’s knowledge, 技能, 能力, job performance and any other parameters considered legitimate and non-discriminatory.

An illustration of a women made of water as she represents water as the mother of life.  This illustration was used in our Student Art calendar by a local student.

职业生涯 途径:

Creating the Next Generation of Workers for the Water Industry

水务行业提供了许多不同的职业道路——进入高技术的工程领域,非常有创造力的作家, videographers and graphic designers — with dozens of disciplines in between. 许多这样的机会并不为人所知. 所以城市, 与许多其他水合作, 教育, 业务, 贸易及社区机构, 支持劳动力发展,为南加州的年轻人进入水务行业的职业和大学道路做好准备.

我们面临的挑战 & 响应

The water industry faces a huge challenge in creating a qualified workforce for the future. Our 业务 is dependent on a range of 技能, work experience and backgrounds. 我们需要知道将会有新一代的员工到位,他们将能够满足我们的关键需求, 最后, mean delivering safe and reliable water supplies to Southern California. For that to happen, we must take action ourselves.

我们有一个接班人计划. Planning is an on-going, dynamic effort to remain responsive to shifting resource needs. 


A Metropolitan staff member from our education team demonstrating the water cycle.
A lab technician reviewing a monitor for a machine analyzing water samples
A trade school class working on creating electrical systems

In our climate, water is too precious to use just once. 这就是为什么大都会与洛杉矶县环卫区合作开发南加州纯净水的原因, 一项地区性的水回收计划,将净化和再利用目前流入海洋的清洁废水. 全尺寸, 南加州每天将生产1.5亿加仑的纯净水.

通过提供一个新的, climate-resilient supply of locally available water, 南加州的纯净水将使生活在大都会服务区内的1900万居民受益. It also would become one of the world’s largest water recycling programs.


社区学院 & 有现有水项目的学校

College of the Canyons - Water Systems Technology
Mt. 圣哈辛托学院-水技术
Cerritos College - Through the South Bay Center for Community
Cuyamaca学院-水 & 废水处理技术
L.A. 贸易技术-水系统技术
Mt. 圣安东尼奥-水技术
Rio Hondo -环境技术


谅解备忘录(1月11日. 2022年12月1日. 31, 2026)